Corporate Counsel for Business Owners
Why do you need a business attorney?
Business Owners: Your business is a prized possession and you should take good care of it. It feels good to know your legal matters are handled. You probably do not know much about the law. We do. If you wait until you have a problem, the attorney will not know anything about you or your business. We can get to know you and your business, share our knowledge, and then you can use it to help run your company.
We can tell you what you need to do to minimize risk and protect the company. This will make you a better business owner.
We accept new clients for all types of businesses. We are a good fit for any company that cannot afford to hire an in-house general counsel.
Single Member LLC: $ 750.00 + filing fee
Multiple Member Operating Business LLC: $1250.00 + filing fee
We do not handle the following matters for our business clients:
Prosecuting or defending lawsuits
Account receivable collection
Federal trademark registration
Patent prosecution
Employee stock ownership plans (ESOP)
We handle all other business legal needs. Below are some examples of the types of business matters that we have handled for our business clients.
LLC and corporation formation
Partnership Agreements
Buying or selling commercial real estate
Buying or selling business assets
Buying or selling business entities
Adding or removing an owner
Business Financing
Employment Manual
Employment Agreements
Non-compete Agreements
Limitation of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreements
Business Owner Annual Review Package
Office consultation with Reid, annual minutes, and business entity report: $300.00